
Service or Product 2

Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $99.00.

Short Description

To edit the SERVICE or PRODUCT > go to Dashboard > Products (under Woocommerce) > All Products > click edit under the service or product title > then scroll down to “Product Short Description” > enter description > then scroll up to the right and find the “Product Image” and ‘Click the image to edit or update’ or click ‘Set product image’ > then scroll up again to add the Price > then scroll up to add the “Long Description” > then click Update or Publish button

Video Tutorial: How to add a customized message in the confirmation email after people buy through WooCommerce

To add a new SERVICE or PRODUCT > go to Dashboard > Products (under Woocommerce) > Add New > then enter the product title > then scroll down to “Product Short Description” > enter description > then scroll up to the right and find the “Product Image” and ‘Click the image to edit or update’ or click ‘Set product image’ > then scroll up again to add the Price > then scroll up to add the “Long Description” > then click Update or Publish button


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