Ashes to Empress Course Modules


With these digital trainings:

~You will learn real life tools to help you combat the effects of a constant battle with your fight or flight response. These tools can be used anywhere and anytime they are needed. You will no longer have to worry about not knowing what to do when difficulties show up in your life!

~You will create a safe and peaceful sanctuary within yourself so that you can begin to reverse the damage caused by General Adaptation Syndrome (being stuck in chronic fight or flight). Burn-out takes YEARS to recover from and that process begins now!

~You will get your kingdoms in order and start to live your life in a way that brings you deep joy and satisfaction. If you’ve always wished life had an instruction manual, then it’s time to get excited, because this is the framework you never knew you needed!

*Each module is designed to build upon the last. Do not attempt to do them out of order or you will not understand the trainings.

Module 1 – Pledge Allegiance to Your Truth

Strip away the toxic thinking that’s keeping you trapped in sabotage and misery.

  • Switch on the inner guidance system that stops your anxiety, depressive episodes and mood swings from ruining your life!
  • Discover the mental tricks you play on yourself that are creating more stress and chaos in your life.
  • Activate the most powerful truth for releasing what has happened to you in the past without ever uttering the word “forgiveness”.

Module 2 – Unchain Your core Essence

Connect with your higher Self to own your truth, vision, and destiny. Tap into your desires and step into your dream life!

  • Learn how to master the incessant chatter in your mind that keeps you focused on worry, fear, and stress.
  • Discover the three questions you must ask yourself to get crystal clear about your life and your purpose.
  • Uncover the hidden link between your “monkey mind” and your body that keeps you from finding peace, loving your body, and having happiness.

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